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Halina Ostankowicz - Bazan's Shop

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She has been teaching Polish as a foreign language and English, since 1976. M.A. Halina Ostańkowicz-Bazan also gives lectures in English on Polish History and Culture for students from all over the world. She has been looking for some inspiration and learning how to teach using new technologies since 2010. WizIQ fascinated her since she found the platform. In addition to this, Halina is extremely interested in Cultural Diversity. Furthermore, she believes that teaching language using songs i

She has been teaching Polish as a foreign language and English, since 1976. M.A. Halina Ostańkowicz-Bazan also gives lectures in English on Polish History and Culture for students from all over the world. She has been looking for some inspiration and learning how to teach using new technologies since 2010. WizIQ fascinated her since she found the platform. In addition to this, Halina is extremely interested in Cultural Diversity. Furthermore, she believes that teaching language using songs i
Teaching with Technology

Teaching with Technology

In the classroom, technology can encompass all sorts of tools from low-tech pencil, newspaper publisher, and chalkboard, to the utilization of presentation software, or high-tech tablets, online collaboration, and conferencing tools, and more. The new technologies allow us to try things in physical and virtual classrooms that were not possible before. What you use depends fundamentally on what you are attempting to reach. The best teaching approaches for my learners are speaking as well as listening strategies. Apparently we run-through presentations, discussions, conversations, dialogues, teamwork and case studies. I would like to point out that I just use actual, real texts, from the books, newspapers, the song’s lyrics, movies. We often take advantage of different kinds of listening comprehension such as listening to the news, interview presentations, et cetera. In my view, the most imperative teaching method is encouraging students and motivating them to be active learners.
Benefits and Drawbacks  of Online Education

Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Education

Online education is a type of distance learning---taking courses without attending a brick-and-mortar school or university. Instead, online students and teachers interact over the Internet. Types of Online Learning Online programs follow standards, but the academic expectations differ greatly Online education can be as effective as in-class instruction Advantages: Students can study anywhere as long as there is access to an internet connection Can work at own pace Can accommodate different learning styles through different activities Flexibility in class time Disadvantages: Lack of personal community and connection (bad for blended learning) Focuses on memorization over learning core competencies Underutilized talents and facilities Too much downtime Mobile can be an “issue” in itself No way to ground social networking and web 2.0 tools Overall, there are both positives and negatives to online education. The student chooses Good Experience Not for everyone
Songs for English Teaching

Songs for English Teaching

Songs Are The Art Of SpeakingI have been using songs to teach English and Polish for a long time. Personally I firmly believe in the power of good music as well as in the power of well-written lyrics. Songs may help with learning pronunciation and can be the inspiration for extraordinarily interesting, challenging discussions. Different topics often inspire students to talk about various issues and problems, often sharing extremely different perspectives. That is why songs are also materials for practicing conversational skills.
The Future of Education

The Future of Education

We are observing “a revolution in education.” We know that improving technology play a distinctive role in the evolution, and traditional foundations will face challenges in the future. In my presentation, I discuss some initial findings on the future of the 21st-century education. As a passionate teacher, I am interested how do I best educate my students? It is not about what I teach, but about how I teach them.
New Year Celebrations in Poland

New Year Celebrations in Poland

The Central European country of Poland, celebrates its New Year on the date of January 1st. The time in and around New Year is excitedly awaited by everyone in the Poland. New Year's Day, out of its traditional relevance, is also called as St. Sylvester's Eve. According to legends, it is associated with Pope Sylvester I, who supposedly caught a dragon named Leviathan.
Overview of Learning Styles

Overview of Learning Styles

Many people recognize that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques. Learning styles group common ways that people learn. Everyone has a mix of learning styles. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances.